- De-witte, Belgija

With smooth fiber, silky appearance and twice the size of the usual one, the cloth cleans and polishes glass surfaces (windows, mirrors, glasses and dishes).
Suitable for use in public premises and households. The unique features are that the cloth gives shine to glass surfaces, does not leave streaks of water and fluff.
Composition: 70% polyester, 30% polyamide
Size: 50 x 70 cm
Color: gray
labai kokybiska sluoste, suzavejo savo supper patogiu dydziu, nes visos kitos standartines, o si labai patogi, kadangi didesne nei iprastai
Šluostė, kurią turėtų turėti visos/i šeimininkės/ai
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Pati populiariausia šluostė mūsų namuose. Visus lygius/blizgius paviršius valo tobulai, nepalieka jokių žymių/pūkelių. Ilgaamžė.